She Is Armored w/ Self Care 

Why Self Care?

Self-Care: The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. 

Because it is vital. Think of it like this. Your temple is like a bank. It's full of value. In order to cultivate this value, we must be good stewards of our mind body & soul. Our jobs, ministry, people, obligations, etc. can only withdrawal so much energy from us. If we are not making deposits back in for ourselves, we can bankrupt. What happens with bankrupt? Stress, stress that begins to spiral down on an unhealthy journey ahead. Boundaries is important. Just like buying share in the stock market. We need to stay on top of the areas of our investments. If the situation is causing decrease in your life span, it's time to reconsider the investment. I want to invite you into the world of caring for yourself. To take action to preserve you for you! Here are some of my favorite self-care ideas.

Be sure to click on the squares for further insight, healthy recipes and more. 






small groups

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small group

self care 
Currahee Womens Wellness

healthy diet
Very Berry Spinach Salad
Lynn's Recipes